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With aluminum foil composite packaging materials

Release time:[2013-9-2]     Views:4996

Traditional plastic composite packaging material comprising an aluminum foil layer, is commonly used in barrier packaging materials one of the highest permeability, its oxygen permeability, moisture resistance are close to zero, and can prevent the transmission of visible light and ultraviolet light. In addition to food packaging containers can prevent oxygen and water vapor into the outside and cause deterioration of food outside, but also to prevent food 

 photosensitive composition effect due to visible and ultraviolet light caused by deterioration of the packaged foods are extremely good protection. Moreover, when the high-temperature heat-sealing layer of a resin, such as polypropylene, aluminum foil as the substrate of the composite material having retort resistance. So it is in convenience food packaging, has a broad market, so far in cooking and packaging, vacuum packaging, gas replacement packaging and other fields, is

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